Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Last night my mother and I went to the grocery store and bought fresh sushi. I wanted to go to a restaurant but I had never tried sushi before so I didn't want to risk spending a large amount of money on something I did not like. Honestly I am glad with my decision because I absolutely hated the sushi! My selection of sushi and it's flavors were very limited only because the grocery store did not have very many choices and we did not go to a restaurant that was known for its different varieties of sushi. I had a choice of choosing sushi that was spicy, sushi filled with vegetables, or sushi filled with crab meat. I had never tried sushi before but I knew that I did not like any sort of food that was spicy and the vegetables inside the rice-filled sushi did not look very appetizing so I chose the sushi with the crab meat filling. I could tell there was a huge difference between American food and Chinese food right when I glanced at the sushi. First off, it was not cooked! Just by saying something is raw to Americans will automatically make them very stereotypical of the food, which I was. The sushi came in a package of about six individual pieces of sushi. Each sushi was wrapped around with a piece of seaweed, and inside the seaweed was white rice filled with crab meat in the middle. As soon as I opened the package the overwhelming smell made me want to immediately vomit but I proceeded anyway. I took the seaweed off before biting into it because just looking at it made me sick. I normally do not like Soy Sauce but I thought trying some with the sushi might make the taste bearable. I took my first bite and started to chew. As soon as I started to taste what was in my mouth I immediately spit it out into the garbage can. I tried to swallow the sushi but the taste was unlike anything I have ever tasted before. The sushi that I tried was unlike any American food I have ever seen let alone taste. I am used to food that is cooked, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, or even Mexican food but for some reason I could not stand the taste of the sushi. My mother tried it as well and also did not like it. I think the reason I spit out the food so quickly is simply because I have never tried anything like it before and I was just not used to it. It was an interesting experience for me and it was fun to try something new. I was very skeptical about trying it only because I have seen it before or friends have told me how it tastes. I am proud of myself for trying something very new that I always said I would never try and now I do know how it tastes and I can honestly say I have tried it before. American food and Chinese food can have some similar aspects to it depending on what is being compared but when it comes to Sushi, it was unlike any American food I have ever tasted!

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